Hi happy followers! So I'm sick :( Fever, bodyaches, sore swollen throat. I arrived safely in San Diego around 1:00 local time and have been in bed since. The hug from my mom was so nice. I hadn't seen her in a while and it made me realize how much I missed her and how much comfort her arms offered. As we walked out of the airport, I felt like somewhat of a celebrity. The Boot Scootin Boobies were there to welcome me to California and each of them had cameras pointed my way. I love you guys but I looked just awful! If I'm going to feel like a celeb, I'm going to need full hair and make-up....
So as I came down the stairs to blog... I admitted to everyone that I felt awful. I've been sick and with the exception of throwing up on the guy in the seat next to me on the plane, I really haven't done anything for anyone else. They all told me that coming here, even sick had made their day and that I had given them that. I think they're all just trying to be nice but today, I'll take it. As soon as I post this, it's back to bed. Early to rise... the walkers have to be there at 6:00 am and the support staff (I'm one of those) will follow shortly after.
I have to be honest, I'm a little apprehensive. I am looking forward to this so much but I know that emotionally, it will be hard. My mom started this because of me. These ladies walking with her, without knowing me, love me. There will be other fighters and survivors there. There will be those who did not win their fight heavy on our hearts. And I will be there .... in the midst of my greatest battle... fighting to survive, fighting to be here to raise my children, fighting to be a wife, daughter, sister and friend...
We get the big news tomorrow... acceptance to the clinic in Houston... I'll update each of you as soon as they call! Thursday's almost over... did you make it count?
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