Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 1

After I posted this morning...I was off to save the world.  I was on the phone with Tiffany (she's the best friend) discussing my assault on positive energy and this new revolation that I'd had since my breakdown yesterday. At that moment, a car driving northbound on the southbound side of the Interstate drove right past me. I had to laugh at the irony. Here I am trying to "cope with the expiration date" he'd given me yesterday and this guy could have ended the 1825 day journey on Day 1! It was confirmation for me that I was on the right path.... none of us are gauranteed a tomorrow so making the most of today is something I should have been doing all along!
On to my was a success! While standing in line at Wal-Mart to pay, I noticed a young lady in front of me. She looked about 18 or 19. She seemed frustrated and as I stepped forward, I noticed that she was paying for a baby food and diapers with her change jar. I stepped forward and asked if she'd miht if I paid this time. Without a beat, tears filled her eyes. I smiled, swiped my card and as she said thank you... I remembered being her when my daughter was little. I became a mom at 16 and struggled to do the best I could. I told her it was my pleasure and to hang in there, things do get easier... I laughed and told her that "eventually they move out and get a job!" She laughed and stepped forward to hug me. I gave her a hug and handed her the bag and she was off. I'm sure I helped her but without knowing it, she helped me. I know today mattered. And thats what the 1825 is all about.
Now for p.j's and a movie, snugge time with my favorite guys..... I'll talk to you on Day 2!

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